You can create a booming online business sharing your passion and expertise with a membership site.

You have expertise that people will pay for.


That doesn't mean you have to be an internet expert.




How do you create content that sells?


How do you get that content on the internet so you can sell it?


And then, how do you launch and market your program to actually start making sales?


These were just some of the questions I had when I first decided to build a membership program.


So, I did what anyone would do... I turned to the Internet.

The Limitations of


Unfortunately, the Internet didn’t help much …


While I was able to get an overview of membership programs, I wasn’t able to find the do-this, do-that, step-by-step guide I wanted.


Which was annoying because I wasn’t interested in spending hours on end trying to figure this stuff out.


I also didn’t want to sift through tons of useless information.


Of course, that’s exactly what happened …


I’d spend hours clicking one link after another, trying to get to the “good” stuff.


Before I knew it, I’d have dozens of browser tabs open and half my day would be gone.


Worse still, I’d be more confused than I was before I started!


It seemed like the people who wrote articles about this kind of stuff couldn’t agree on anything.


… one person would claim membership programs are a great way to build an online business.


… then the next one would say membership programs are too difficult to build.


And so on …


It was super-frustrating.


After coming across conflicting advice more times than I could count, I started paying more attention to who was actually offering the advice.


What I discovered left me dumbfounded.


Most of the so-called membership creation “experts” have little-to-no real-world experience.


Either they’ve:

  • Never actually had success with a membership program.
  • They only know how to build the program but not how to sell it.
    ...OR WORSE
  • They’re writers blogging about something they’ve never even done!
    … making them unqualified to give anyone entrepreneurial advice.

Which is why you can’t trust a lot of what you read online about building a membership program.

I wish the problems I experienced when I first started out were unusual, but they’re not.


Virtually everyone who wants to build a membership program goes through something similar.


Along the way, most of them decide the process is too:

  • Difficult

  • Confusing

  • Frustrating

  • Time-Consuming

That’s why plenty of smart people give up on their dreams of making money online.


It’s not that they CAN’T do it … they can.


It’s just a huge pain to figure out all the details when you’ve got little free time and bills to pay.


I totally understand that because I went through it all myself.


And while I did manage to make sense of it eventually, it took:

  • More months than I care to think about
  • Countless 16-hour work days
  • Plenty of pricey mistakes
  • A lot of banging my head against the wall before I reached that place.

The good news is that you don’t need to go through that, because I’m about to share with you the absolute easiest way for you to start building a membership program.


That’s why I urge you to read this all the way through to the end … the information I’m about to share has the potential to be a huge game changer for you.

  • Laying the Foundation (Valued at $97 )

  • Structuring Your Content (Valued at $97 )

  • Membership Business Toolkit (Valued at $97 )

  • Preparing to Launch (Valued at $97 )

  • Building a Community (Valued at $97 )

  • Power 100 Workbook (Valued at $57 )

  • Membership Mockup Images (Valued at $97 )

  • Video Editing Tutorial (Valued at $57 )

  • Facebook Group Setup Tutorial (Valued at $57 )

  • Kartra Platform Demonstration (Valued at $57 )

Total Value: $810

This course is designed for people like you!


People who want to share their passion and make money online but don’t know how to get started or think it sounds too hard.


The Crushing Memberships Course is your easy, step-by-step guide for creating a membership program that generates revenue while you sleep.


And, because I'll show you how to turn your knowledge into a program that others need, it even works if you don’t know if you have knowledge that others will pay for.


In fact, you’ll learn that everyone has knowledge that others do not and by the end of this course you'll know how to share it!!


That’s because my course teaches you how to create a membership program that turns your knowledge into profit. Virtually any type of information or expertise. Want to teach others how to make custom clothing. This course shows you how. Interested in showing dog owners how to train their puppies? We'll show you. This course shows you how to organize and build your information into a format that sells.


In the Crushing Memberships Course, I show you the easiest ways to:

  1. Dial in Your Niche - so that you have a membership program that people want and NEED.
  2. Build a Tribe of Raving Fans - using the Tribe Targeting Formula to enable you to find your dream customers.
  3. Create your Membership Program Content– by learning the 13 most popular forms of content for a membership program as well as and introductions to all the tools you'll need to start creating that content.
  4. Sell Your Membership Program – with the top 7 methods to market a membership program.

My course leaves nothing to chance—if you have knowledge you want to sell, I teach you how.


But that’s not all.


In the Crushing Memberships Course, you’ll also get my secret strategies for saving massive amounts of time and money along the way.


Because if you’re like most people, you don’t have enough of either.


That’s why my course is designed to help you succeed, even if you have very little:


  • Money

  • Time

  • Experience

For instance …


Did you know you can determine if your membership program content will sell before you build out your program. We’ll make sure your niche is financially viable??


Yep, you read that correctly.


You can find out if your membership program content will sell before you spend hours of time creating content … IF you use the secret research tactic I teach in my course.


Plus, I even show you an easy method for laying the foundation for your program by organizing your content in my content ..


It’s so amazing that I promise you it works even if …

  • You’re not a industry leader (you can be)

  • You don’t think you’re any good at creating content (you will be)

  • You worry you don't know if others will buy your content (I’ll show you)

  • You think building a membership area is too technical (it won’t be)

Defining your niche and determining if that niche is financially viable will ensure that your membership program is profitable.


Earn residual income month after month just for sharing your passion with the world. That’s a real possibility IF you follow the blueprint I give in my course.


But the Crushing Memberships Course doesn’t just teach how to develop your niche and find your dream customers.


With my course, you’ll also learn super-easy methods for how to create content for your membership program too.

Creating Content Is The Easiest and Most Affordable Way to Build a Profitable Online Business

In the Crushing Memberships Course, I’ll also show you 13 different types of content you can use in your membership program … so you'll know the kind of content your members will pay for..


Even better, these types of content will not require you to be some kind of master. I did not start out as a content expert by any stretch of the imagination. Yet I’ve managed to create several successful membership programs, using the same straightforward methods I teach in the course.


I’m not kidding when I tell you that these methods are so easy, you’ll feel confident by the end of the course that you can successfully create content at will … even if you have no experience creating content.


And not only will you feel confident you can do it, you’ll probably want to jump at the chance once I tell you about a membership program's profit potential.

You Can Start Creating Content For Profit Today

People are always surprised to learn how easy it actually is to create content for their membership program. For instance, did you know you can create training videos with just your smartphone? You can, and in the course, we'll share the hardware and software that will set your program apart from the competition.


For instance, a couple of years ago, I created an online membership for a football training company, using the same strategies you’ll learn in the course.


While I expected to get some interest in it, I was blown away by what actually happened.


In just 2 months, that membership program had over 700 members and became a profit center for our business. But that’s why you’re going to love this course—you don’t need to be an industry leader or have a technical background to create a successful membership program.


Think of it like this.


If you tried to tackle a paint-by-number kit without knowing which color went with each number, it would be pretty hard.


Next-to-impossible even.


But if you had the key—showing you which color went where—imagine how easy it would seem.


Heck, anybody could paint a nice picture with the key, regardless of their skill level.


The same thing is true about membership programs.


Try to do it on your own, and it’s confusing and overwhelming … like tackling a paint-by-number without the key.


But have someone give you the key and what a difference.


Suddenly, it all seems super-easy.


That’s because it IS … when you have someone to show you the ropes.

You Don’t Need to Be a Technical Expert to Succeed

Now, at this point, some of you might be thinking ...


The course sounds great, but am I really capable of doing this?


Don’t I need to be more tech savvy to make money online with a membership program???


Allow me to answer that.


First, the people making money online with membership courses are NOT more tech savvy than you. They’re not smarter, they don’t come from a “better” gene pool, and they aren’t just lucky.


The only difference between you and them is that they have information you don’t. This course levels the playing field. It gives you straightforward, no-fluff information—based on my 12+ years of experience—so you learn step-by-step what you need to do to be successful.


The course was designed with someone like you in mind—someone who’s never done this before and needs a blueprint that’ll break it all down for them.


There’s nothing I teach in the Crushing Memberships Course that you can’t do.

You’ll ALSO Learn the Same Marketing Strategies That Has Helped Me Sign Up Hundreds of Members to My  Membership Programs

I don’t just show you how to create content and build your membership program in this course. I also teach you how to make sure your membership program is a profitable one—so you can hit a home run your first time out!


Of course, to do that, you have to be able to convince people to buy your membership program. 


Meaning, you need to be good at marketing. And to be good at marketing, you need to understand who your prospects are, where you can find them online, and what to say once you do.


That’s why I included an entire module on marketing in the Crushing Memberships Course.


In that module, I reveal all the marketing strategies I’ve learned over the years that have made me successful. Because you might be surprised to hear this, but I don’t attribute my success to creating great membership programs and courses.


While that’s helped, it’s my marketing know-how that’s made me a success. Understanding HOW to get people to buy is key to building a successful, long-term business.


And that’s the kind of stuff I’ll show you in the Crushing Memberships Course.


Honestly, this information is so powerful, it has the potential to transform your life, just like it did mine.

About Me:

Steve Stark

Hi, I’m Steve Stark.


That story I just told you took place when I first began internet marketing and website design ... way back in  2009.


Since then, I’ve created dozens of websites and membership programs -- I love what I do which is why over the last 12 years, I’ve built 2 successful companies and helped others build their online presence to grow their businesses.

As a result of my success, I’ve been able to do things in my life that I never dreamed were possible, like:

  • Leave my corporate job.

  • Buy our dream home.

  • Spend time with my wife and kids.

  • Donate both time and money to our favorite charity.

While I’m thrilled with what I’ve managed to accomplish, I’ll admit that building profitable online membership programs was a real struggle at first.


In the beginning, I didn’t know what I was doing and I didn’t have anybody I could ask.


Tried using many membership and marketing programs that promised results with no success.


Yet even after all that research, I still made a lot of expensive mistakes along the way … costing me lots of time and money, while causing me plenty of headaches.


The good news is that I learned from those mistakes and today, I have membership programs down to a science.


I know exactly how to create a great membership program without spending a lot of time or money—two things that are in short supply for virtually every entrepreneur..


Still, I haven’t forgotten how hard it was when I first started out.


Back then, I really wished there was some kind of instruction manual—something I could turn to that would show me step-by-step exactly how to turn my passion into an online business.

Connect through social media:

Commit to Your Success Today

Right now, you’re reading this because there’s something you want more of.


Either you want more money … or you wish you had more time … or you’d like to feel a greater sense of pride about your accomplishments.


You can have ALL those things with the Crushing Memberships Course.


Imagine that for a moment.


What would change for you if, right now, you committed to creating a better future for yourself by following the exact steps I outline in the course?


Could you start bringing in an extra $5K, $10K or even $20K each month?


Yeah, actually—you could.


In fact, you’d be surprised if you knew how attainable that goal actually is.


That’s why bringing in an extra $5K, $10K or even $20K each month is not unreasonable—at all.


There’s seriously a ton of money to be made on the Internet for people who know what they’re doing—and you’ll be one of them once you take my course.


Imagine being able to control your own destiny—to carve out the future you want for yourself, rather than passively accepting what an employer thinks you’re worthy of. Because let’s be honest—with the measly 4% annual raises companies give these days, you have little chance of experiencing true financial freedom working for someone else.


But the potential to earn more money as an entrepreneur is just part of the equation.

You Can’t Put a Price on Passion

A lot of people dread Mondays.


Usually, that’s because their Mondays look something like this…


You wake up exhausted, throw on work clothes, fight rush hour at the crack of dawn, report to someone in a suit and tie, then fight traffic on the way home, so they can do it all over again the next day. 


Frankly, it kinda sucks.


If you can relate to that scenario, I’ve got news for you.


A lot of people dread Mondays.

Usually, that’s because their Mondays look something like this … they wake up exhausted, throw on work clothes, fight rush hour at the crack of dawn, report to someone in a suit and tie, then fight traffic on the way home, so they can do it all over again the next day. 


Frankly, it kinda sucks.


If you can relate to that scenario, I’ve got news for you.


Entrepreneurship is the best cure I know of.


Before I started working for myself, my workdays were mind numbingly dull. Now, I wake up feeling excited every day… because I love what I do and I really enjoy watching my business grow.


Plus, it feels great to have complete control over your time … I can wake up when I want, work the hours I choose, and spend my time building a business that I believe is making the world a better place. Even better, my workdays fly by, because the time I spend doesn’t feel like work. Like I said, these are things you can’t put a price on.


Which is probably why research shows you’d need to make $250,000 working for someone else, just to be as happy as a self-employed person making $100,000 a year. Folks, my course shows you step-by-step how to build a solid, profitable business with a steady income, so you can experience the lifestyle I just talked about.


Think about that for a minute.

In a year’s time… imagine what your life would be like IF you followed the exact same steps I teach in the course.

You could …

  • Make a lot more money than you’re earning today.

  • Control your own destiny and enjoy way more freedom.

  • Wake up feeling excited about the day ahead.

  • Spend more time with those you care about.

  • Start each day with enthusiasm and a greater sense of purpose.

  • Feel super proud of what you managed to achieve.

That scenario isn’t a pipe dream.


I’ve experienced all these things as an entrepreneur.


You can too, by putting the information I teach in the course to work for you.

Let Me Tell You More About What You’ll Get With Crushing Memberships Course

31 Online Video Lessons Divided Into 5 Modules

Workshop 1

Laying the Foundation

It's critical to put together a solid foundation for your membership program. You need to learn if your content will be profitable, how to find your customers and get clear about what they desire. 

  • Define Your Niche

  • Tribe Targeting Formula

  • Creating a Desired Outcome Statement

Let Me Tell You More About What You’ll Get With Crushing Memberships Course

31 Online Video Lessons Divided Into 5 Modules

Workshop 1

Laying the Foundation

It's critical to put together a solid foundation for your membership program. You need to learn if your content will be profitable, how to find your customers and get clear about what they desire. 

  • Define Your Niche

  • Tribe Targeting Formula

  • Creating a Desired Outcome Statement

Workshop 2

Structuring Your Content

You'll need to decide how your customers will want to consume your content and what type of content you are best suited to create.

  • Types of Content

  • Content Delivery Methods

  • The Membership Content Outline

Workshop 3

Membership Business Toolkit

The toolkit consists of 9 modules covering the most important aspects of your membership business to give you the best chance at success. 

  • Tools for Creating Professional Training Content

  • Buying Your Domain Name

  • Setting Up a Branded Email

  • Using an Email Marketing Service

  • Choosing a Membership Platform

Workshop 3

Membership Business Toolkit

The toolkit consists of 9 modules covering the most important aspects of your membership business to give you the best chance at success. 

  • Tools for Creating Professional Training Content

  • Buying Your Domain Name

  • Setting Up a Branded Email

  • Using an Email Marketing Service

  • Choosing a Membership Platform

Workshop 4

Preparing to Launch

Once you have your content put together and your membership area built, it'll be time to take your product to market. This workshop gives you the marketing tactics that will help you sell your program.  

  • Creating a Sales Page

  • Pre-Launch Strategies

  • Building an Audience

  • Upsell Offers

Workshop 5

Building a Community

Building a community around your membership program will improve your sales and grow your recurring revenue.

  • Creating a Content Schedule

  • Providing for Member Interaction

  • Moderating Your Community

  • Live Events

Workshop 5

Building a Community

Building a community around your membership program will improve your sales and grow your recurring revenue.

  • Creating a Content Schedule

  • Providing for Member Interaction

  • Moderating Your Community

  • Live Events

5 Bonuses to Ensure Your Program's Success

Bonus #1

Power 100 Workbook

Use the Power 100 Workbook to find where your customers are hanging out online.

Bonus #2

Video Editing Tutorial

Learn how to edit videos in our tutorial using the Screenflow software.

Bonus #3

Membership Mockup Images

Mockup Image Template downloads and a video tutorial showing you how to use them.

Bonus #4

Facebook Group Setup

Step-by-step innstruction on how to set up your private Facebook Group.

Bonus #5

Kartra Demonstration

See how easy it is to create a professional Membership Site using the Kartra Platform.

Karl Robe


  • Laying the Foundation (Valued at $97 )

  • Structuring Your Content (Valued at $97 )

  • Membership Business Toolkit (Valued at $97 )

  • Preparing to Launch (Valued at $97 )

  • Building a Community (Valued at $97 )

  • Power 100 Workbook (Valued at $57 )

  • Membership Mockup Images (Valued at $97 )

  • Video Editing Tutorial (Valued at $57 )

  • Facebook Group Setup Tutorial (Valued at $57 )

  • Kartra Platform Demonstration (Valued at $57 )

Total Value: $810

Here are some of the top questions we got from our students before they grabbed the Crushing Memberships Course

  • Q: I don't have content yet. Can I still use this?

    A: Definitely! The Crushing Memberships Course will show you the different types of content you can create and take you step-by-step through creating your content outline.

  • Q: What if I'm not tech-savvy?

    A: This course is designed for those who are just starting out and struggle with the technical stuff. You don't need any experience of building a membership program or creating content.

  • Q: How long will it take to build my membership program?

    A: That will be totally up to you. You can work on your membership program at your own pace. But if you want to get after it, you can have your membership program up and running in less than 30 days.

  • Q: Where do I access the course and files?

    A: When you purchase, you will receive an email with a link to access the members area and all the course material.

  • Q:What if I decide this isn't for me?

    A: If you’re not 100% satisfied with the course, workbook, templates, and bonuses within 14 days, we’ll gladly offer you a full refund. 


    That means you can enroll today, and you don’t even have to decide if you’re in for good! Take the full 14 days to explore the course and materials then make a decision using the information you have, rather than the information you don’t.

  • Q: What if I need extra help and support building my membership program?

    A: That is exactly why we have a private, members-only Facebook group. You'll be able to ask questions and interact directly with me and other students going through the same process as you.


Steve Stark

Crushing Memberships

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